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Choice That Reduce The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases
Arindam Chatterjee
Feb 09, 2024
3 minutes
In today's world, drastic lifestyle changes have led to a surge in health problems, with cardiovascular diseases emerging as a particularly severe and deadly issue, causing the highest global mortality rate. Studies show that the onset of this disease occurs 7 to 10 years earlier in men than in women. In 2015, over 17.7 million […]
Top view of many different healthy foods with words Dash diet.
Obesity bring demise
Shainy William
Jan 31, 2024
3 minutes
Obesity is the salient cause of ill health worldwide & it  has exploded in India these days, the incidence is greater in urban areas. A LANCET study shows, women are more affected than men. Obesity among children and adolescents are also rising gradually. It’s facile gaining weight, but hard to lose. If you look at its prevalence […]
The top view of the gear inside a car.
Managing the Trajectory of Current to Future Health
Subhasish Sircar
Jul 01, 2017
3 minutes
Publications of OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) up to 2015 indicated that there are ~25 countries that have almost 100% health insurance cover for their populace. In the United States, this number is close to 85%. India is languishing at a paltry 17-20% number. Of these, in most cases where we have 100% cover, government/social […]
A man using a digital tablet.
If You Cannot Predict, You Cannot Prevent Chronic Diseases
Subhasish Sircar
Dec 17, 2015
3 minutes
I lost my best friend Sauptik due to cardiovascular complications just after he celebrated his 32nd birthday. He was a strapping, vibrant guy, who cared for his health and received health check-ups regularly. Although he did not show any symptoms, Sauptik had many of the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. If the doctors had a […]