Insights from patient health and interaction data for your business revenue maximization.
At the end of each visit a RevMaxx Index is generated for each individual which indicates their revenue potential during a future visit. This index also has a built-in probability for that future visit. Based on the RevMaxx Indices, hospitals and diagnostic labs can provide different incentives and promotions to increase their top line and bottom line.
In a 71-day span, Customer X provided us data from H/C Packages, Panels & Parameters that were consumed by these customers. We created smart reports for these customers. Additionally, we were able to show the potential revenues that they could generate from the health insights (required follow up and additional tests) available in the data. The schematic below shows the breakdown of that potential revenue based on the data from H/C Packages, Panels & Parameters.
Incidentally, this (Smart Reports and Insights) costed Customer X approximately 4% of the potential revenue that they could have generated via the health insights that HV provided.
For one of our lab customers, we were generating Smart Reports and suggesting follow up and additional tests for their subjects. We were also able to show future engagement and revenue growth channels (in 71 days) to the tune of 4.6 Cr INR ($570K USD) based on the follow-up and additional tests that were suggested by Health Vectors Analytics Engine for those subjects.
We at Health Vectors understand the necessity for hospitals and labs to grow their topline and bottom line without increasing their service prices. Hospitals and Diagnostic Labs typically operate under thin margins and as such using the RevMaxx Index provides a sure shot way to increase engagement, potentially leading to revenue maximization
Few salient and related points about Health Vectors:
Innovation flows through our veins. Authentic science is at the heart of it. The science behind the creation of our health analytics engine is precise and enriched by the experience of doctors along with vast pools of knowledge from the healthcare domain. Exclusively created by the experts at Health Vectors, our Health Analytics Engine efficiently simplifies complex health data, thereby making it easier for the end user to understand and take charge of their health.
Our Health Analytics Engine also has predictive elements that aids in the prediction and prevention of chronic diseases. Our engine has analyzed over a million cases and has been validated by over a hundred doctors globally. Today, the engine looks at 300+ parameters simultaneously, makes 75K calculations & 10K+ decisions, before delivering a solution in a matter of seconds for each subject.
HV Analytics Engine
Combination of our Analytic Engine & Top Class Business Acumen
Focused on Preventive & Holistic Health - not on Single Parameters
Trusted by top Labs & Hospitals in India and abroad
Passed the Test of Time – scrutinized by 150+ Doctors from Different Geographies
Data-Driven Insights to Increase Customer loyalty