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Why is it important to have a good posture?
Arindam Chatterjee
Dec 26, 2017
2 minutes
The undeniable influence of our overall health and physical well-being on various aspects of our lives places a spotlight on the pivotal role played by body posture. Before delving into its significance in our daily lives, let's first define good posture. Good posture refers to the art of holding or supporting our bodies in a […]
Is it safe to drink water from plastic bottles?
Arindam Chatterjee
Dec 18, 2017
6 minutes
Nowadays, packaged mineral water is readily available in plastic bottles and containers and most of us do not think twice before drinking water from these plastic bottles. Very few of us are actually aware of the numerous health hazards that these plastic bottles might pose. So, this article attempts to enlighten us on the harmful […]
Combatting Premature Aging: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions
Arindam Chatterjee
Dec 05, 2017
3 minutes
Achieving and maintaining a fresh and youthful appearance is a common desire for everyone. However, when premature aging occurs, it can lead to significant emotional distress, affecting self-confidence and self-esteem. This article explores the definition, causes, and symptoms of premature aging, emphasizing the importance of early detection and effective measures to address this phenomenon. Causes […]
A close-up view of fresh blueberries with water droplets on it.
How to Develop Healthy Habits
Arindam Chatterjee
Nov 30, 2017
3 minutes
Good health is not merely the absence of illness but a holistic state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Developing and maintaining good health habits is crucial for a fulfilling and vibrant life. In this guide, we will explore practical steps to help you cultivate habits that contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Prioritize Balanced Nutrition: […]
What are the Benefits of Sound Sleep?
Rithika Rajgopal
Nov 09, 2017
3 minutes
The saying "Sleep is the best medicine" holds true for everyone, now more than ever. With the rise of various sleep disorders globally, the ability to achieve a restful night's sleep is diminishing. In India, a Times of India survey revealed that 9% of individuals aged over 50 suffer from sleep disorders, often leading to […]
Very Few Know Importance of Regular Health Checks, Do You?
Arindam Chatterjee
Jul 19, 2017
5 minutes
  In today’s fast-paced world, most of us are so busy running after materialistic gains that we often forget the most important thing that really matters in our lives- health! Letting health take a back seat can have dangerous and deadly consequences in the long run. The old adage “Health is wealth” has assumed maximum […]
The top view of the gear inside a car.
Managing the Trajectory of Current to Future Health
Subhasish Sircar
Jul 01, 2017
3 minutes
Publications of OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) up to 2015 indicated that there are ~25 countries that have almost 100% health insurance cover for their populace. In the United States, this number is close to 85%. India is languishing at a paltry 17-20% number. Of these, in most cases where we have 100% cover, government/social […]
A jigsaw puzzle with a pink PCOS jigsaw tile in the center.
Combat Menstrual Problem - PCOS
Shainy William
Dec 29, 2015
3 minutes
Are you struggling with weight gain and trouble losing weight, extra thicker and darker facial and body hair, Thinning hair on the scalp along with irregular periods, then you should be aware of a disease which is commonly known as PCOD or PCOS (Polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome). The most common characteristic of PCOS is […]
A man using a digital tablet.
If You Cannot Predict, You Cannot Prevent Chronic Diseases
Subhasish Sircar
Dec 17, 2015
3 minutes
I lost my best friend Sauptik due to cardiovascular complications just after he celebrated his 32nd birthday. He was a strapping, vibrant guy, who cared for his health and received health check-ups regularly. Although he did not show any symptoms, Sauptik had many of the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. If the doctors had a […]
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